Welcome! This is my website for displaying all my projects and public work: 3D printing, LED wearables, traditional art, academic papers, AI research, and more!
My contact info is located in the bottom-right of the footer below or the "Contact Me" page in the top-right of the navbar.
Featured Work
The Bestagons
My dynamic large-scale LED art made of a hexagonal lattice and infinity mirrors
Covid-19 Face Shields
Face shields I 3D printed and donated to hospitals during Covid-19
From MRI to Brain Lamp
Turned an MRI of my brain into a 3D printable object, and then into a hollow smart lamp
LED Octopus Hat
A lightup octopus hat I coded, 3D model designed, printed, and made!
3D Printing
My 3D printed projects I designed
Research and Papers
Research conducted in AI, and papers I've authored or co-authored
Digital, traditional, charcoal, ceramic, crafting
LED Panel Gloves
LED panel dance gloves with customizable pattens, images, or text
GENT Library
A library for the easy construction and training of neural networks